Coaching + Support

This is a deeply transformational time in your life, and I'm so glad that you're already looking to build your village for birth and beyond. As a doula for over a decade, I've seen first-hand the depth of holding that the journey to and through motherhood requires, which is why I have expanded my services to include 1:1 guidance.

During our sessions, I provide encouragement and support as you navigate the various aspects of birth planning and decision-making, and offer guidance on the necessary preparations for your new role. I am here to help you make informed, holistic choices about your pregnancy, birth and beyond that are in alignment with your values and needs.

As a compassionate companion on your journey, I provide a trusted ear, answer questions, offer suggestions, and provide support in a way that is unique and tailored to your needs.

This is great for someone who doesn't want or can't have a doula present but wants the guidance and support a doula provides.

Coaching Packages

Prenatal 1:1 Coaching

  • Each 1-hour session is tailored to you, your needs and your questions

Discounted packages also available upon request

Everything but the Birth

  • Individualized ongoing pregnancy support with regularly scheduled 1:1 virtual coaching calls

  • Continuous emotional support at time of hire

  • A private Client Portal with exclusive access to guidebooks, workbooks, resources and more


Each virtual 1:1 session is tailored to you

Every coaching call is individualized to you. We can focus on childbirth education, birth preferences planning, advocacy and rights, comfort measures, breathing techniques and more. We can also take it deeper and focus on mindset and mindfulness practices, releasing fears, self-care, reflective work and cultivating and strengthening the tools that can help you bring your baby earthside in the calmest and gentlest way possible.

I offer personalized guidance on a range of topics:

  • Navigating the medical system

  • High-risk pregnancies

  • Navigating anxiety and concerns

  • Clarifying your birth vision

  • Guidance to plan, organize, and feel positive about your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum

  • Access to well-vetted network of holistic practitioners and resources

  • Choice of providers, place of birth, and childbirth education that best suits you and your values

  • Evidence-based birth resources to support your preparation for birth and beyond

  • Create birth preferences plan that aligns with your personal values

  • Discuss body balancing techniques to support optimal fetal positioning in labor and birth

  • Prepare for a family centered belly birth

  • Prepare for a healing postpartum journey

the path to motherhood…

brings with it new needs, questions and expansion of all kinds. It can also bring things to the surface that call for a depth of attention that are best served by compassionate support and 1:1 care.

When we work together, I meet you where you are right now and I provide an intimate space for open dialogue, personal exploration and reflection on whatever is present for you. Whether you are craving more mindfulness, want to go deeper on a particular topic, or just need practical guidance from an expert in the field, I am here for you.

I bring with me years of hands-on and heart-centered experience of guiding women through this incredible season. I offer tangible advice while also leaving space for you to look inward and hone your intuition and discover what is best for you.

Schedule a Discovery Call to Learn More

I would love to connect with you over Zoom for 30 minutes to go over any initial questions you may have, discuss what you are looking for in support and explore how I can best meet your needs.