Birth Story Healing
Birth Story Healing is a time for you to have your birth story heard, begin to reflect, re-frame, and begin to see your story in a new light.
Birth Story Healing is for
birthing parents, supporting parents and birth workers who:
experienced unwanted or unexpected interactions, moments, or outcomes during pregnancy, birth, or the postpartum period
want to create space to explore and reflect on the events surrounding the birth and its impact on your life
want to prepare for another pregnancy and labor after a challenging birthing experience
find themselves ruminating on the same moments over and over again
Our session together.
Birth Story Healing is a guided, co-creative process that holds space to find new meaning and enhanced resilience after a challenging experience.
During a Birth Story Healing session, you will be telling your story in a way you haven’t before. Using the Birth Story Medicine® model created by Pam England of Birthing from Within, this session will create an opportunity for you to review your birth experience with attentive and empathetic guidance to help you uncover your own insights and inner wisdom and come out with a new perspective on your Self and the birth.
Each session is from 60-90 minutes, during which time, working with a structured ‘map’, you will be able to accurately identity the heart of your distress and discover a different point of view. We will process your birth, any trauma, and uncover the healing that is hidden in it.
60-90 Minute Zoom Session
Please complete the form below and Joy will be in touch to schedule your session:
“Birth Story Listening is an uplifting guided personal growth process intended to bring about insight, resolution, and healing after a difficult or disappointing birth.”
— Pam England
Discover the wisdom of your heart.
We tend to think that the healing lies in telling the birth story over and over again, but this is not always enough to create a change in your experience and its effects on you today. In fact, although you can get great relief from the very act of venting and sharing, especially if you tell it to a sympathetic and non-judgmental ear, many times repetition only reinforces the painful point of view of what happened. And commiseration only serves to keep us stuck.
The Birth Story Medicine® approach focuses on the narrative, on the interpretation, on the meaning that each person attributes to what happened during the birth. The session is about guiding you to uncover a deeper understanding and opening the doors of your heart with the help of the wisdom of your heart.
Shining a non-judgmental gaze on what has happened makes it possible to bring compassion to a guarded heart, and begin to uncover deeper awareness from within.
My own journey.
Over the years, and having supported hundreds of families, I have recognized how your birth experience can greatly influence your emotional well-being, affect your relationships, how you parent, and can be taken into every other aspect of your life. Resolving how you feel about your birth experience can bring a great sense of relief and healing into the rest of your life.
I decided I wanted to find a way to support my clients in a deeper way, beyond simply listening and holding space, but rather with proven skills to alchemize the unique stories they bring to and from birth. I began to diligently study with Danit Tsur Almog, my Birth Story Medicine® mentor, and truly was struck by the healing that it brought to my own life.
Can I bring my baby or child with me to the session?
Birth Story sessions require your full attention and so it is best if children are not present. It may be possible with a newborn if they are likely to be sleeping or feeding, but if baby is unsettled we may need to reschedule.
Are these sessions only for those who gave birth?
Birth Story sessions are available for support people, partners, doulas, and any care provider who has attended a birth that has left them feeling burdened in some way.
Do I have to tell my whole birth story?
Birth story sessions are a unique way to work through your story which does not involve telling your story in its entirety. The sessions are designed to be a safe space so that you are able to express whatever you need to in order to begin to heal.
Are these sessions only for those who have recently given birth?
You can attend no matter how long after your birth. As long as you feel upset or unresolved in some way, then you can still gain new insights and benefits for yourself.