Belly Binding
ceremonial support for mind, body and spirit
A Nurturing Experience
Motherhood changes women in ways that are deeply felt but often unseen. We believe that allowing women to honor their fertility, pregnancy, birth and postpartum experiences is deeply needed and our ceremonial Belly Binding offering is meant just for that. This session weaves together ancient practices with a modern touch, to create a space for you to feel fully held - and give you the tools to introduce more ritual into your daily life.
This ceremonial session was created to honor the universal postpartum needs of all new mothers and all birthing experiences. In the days following the birth of your baby, you are also reborn on many levels. Your mind, body, and spirit reflect this. They need nourishment, connection and love in the same way that your new baby does. When a woman is deeply supported, she can properly care for her newborn.
This session is meant to take place in your home, ideally soon after your baby arrives. This time can feel overwhelming amidst all the newness and change, and we want to be there to receive you and hold space for whatever arises.
Feel Empowered & Confident
With gentle music in the background, fresh flowers, and baby-friendly essential oils, we set the tone for a relaxing and nurturing experience.
We love to begin with a floral foot bath followed by a foot massage. As we do, we create space for birth story sharing.
We then move forward with the womb massage that helps close the womb and brings your organs and muscles back in alignment. The belly massage Increases blood flow to the abdominal area which promotes better circulation that can aid in healing of the tissues, reduce swelling, and contributes to a faster recovery. As part of your healing, your uterus contracts down to its pre-pregnancy size, and belly massage aids this process. Digestion can also be slow the days following birth, the massage helps to improve digestion by doing clockwise circles which can relieve gas and help your body digest food easier. Massage has been shown to promote hormone balance and increase oxytocin levels which help promote emotional balance and lower stress levels.
Your Choice of Binding Style
We complete the session with belly binding using your choice of either a muslin wrap or 3-in-1 velcro binder. The muslin wrap is a Bengkung style of belly binding that originated in Malaysia and is used as a traditional postpartum healing practice for the first 40 days after birth. The wrap is like a hug for your nervous system, offering deep holding for this now empty womb space.
During your pregnancy, your pelvis begins to expand to make room for baby’s descent during birth and binding will help provide support for your hips and pelvis as they slowly move back into place. Many women find that wearing the wrap provides constant support that helps reduce discomfort around the tender hips. Also, with the relaxin hormone still in your system post birth, the body is still readily able to be brought back, and the bind will support this process in a gentle way. The bind also helps hold your weakened stomach, approximating the muscles where they should be, which can support diastasis recti recovery.
We have also seen how the bind provides extra support to your lower back while holding and feeding your sweet baby, encouraging better overall posture.
Your body has worked so incredibly hard growing your precious baby, giving birth, and now in the postpartum. Our ceremonial belly binding offering is an opportunity to provide extra support and love to your body and to yourself.
We offer either a muslin wrap or a 3-in-1 velcro wrap that has all the same healing benefits but is quicker to take on and off. We will show you how to use both wraps and you get to choose which you would like to keep!
What you’ll get
Space holding and deep listening of your birth story
Guidance on healing in the postpartum time
Hands-on healing support: an herbal foot bath and massage, womb massage and belly binding
Partner support and guidance on supporting your universal needs
Fresh flowers & massage oil
Choice of muslin wrap or velcro binder